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conf-cvДата: Понеділок, 26.05.2014, 12:06 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 1656
Нагороди: 5
Репутація: 8
Статус: Offline

Nelya Kishkan,

2nd-year student, sp. “Accounting and Audit”, d/d,
Scientific Advisor – Stupak M.H.,
Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of KNTEU,


The modern personnel management at any enterprise and the long-term realization of personnel policy is impossible without precise and accurate personnel planning. To define the company’s need in personnel it is necessary to find out what factors and indicators influence its successful functioning. Any enterprise being an open social system, its needs in personnel are stipulated by the strategy of the enterprise development under the influence of a great number of both internal and external factors.
The personnel policy is formed by the state, the ruling parties and the management of the enterprise, and is expressed in terms of administrative and moral norms of people’s behaviour in the society. The personnel policy must be based on the following principles: justice and fairness, consistency, adherence to norms of labour legislation, equality and absence of discrimination [1, p. 356]. The efficient personnel management has become the problem of vital importance today.
This issue is rather actual since nowadays the problem of the company’s personnel policy development, namely its progress and the ability to compete with foreign and domestic businesses, is very urgent and significant.
The problem of the personnel policy planning is under investigation of many scientists. Here we can mention such scholars as V.Herchikova, M.Hrachov, V.Dyatlov, N.Kostyukov, P.Lomanov, V.Travin, etc.
The main purpose of this work is to analyze the basic aspects of efficient personnel policy and to define the principal characteristics of modern company’s leaders.
The personnel policy is a system of theoretical views, ideas, demands, principles, which define the main directions of work with personnel. It is aimed at people’s solution of productive, social and personal problems at different levels of responsibility [2, p. 38].
The current stage of political and economic development cannot do without energetic and creative-thinking leaders who are able to analyze the situation, clearly set the goals and identify the alternatives, possess the methods of their objective evaluation, accept responsibility in difficult situations.
Under conditions of modern transformational processes, during the stage of conducting the radical economic reforms, every manager must revise, rethink and reorganize the company’s work and create an integral economic mechanism. The staff selection, their professional training and education is one of the main scientific challenges of economic management. It is the major element of management system hence the personnel manager must adhere to a clear, precise and well-thought position. The principal business characteristics of a leader are organizational skills, high performance, competence, entrepreneurial spirit and foresight. The manager’s professional knowledge must comply with the demand of the time, namely he should be able to organize the investigation, conduct experiments, attract scientists and experts to find complex solutions, provide a creative atmosphere in the team that would facilitate the appearance of subordinates’ initiative and find the most optimal ways of improving the efficiency and quality of work.
The planning process of work with personnel reflects the basic aspects of personnel management: production and economic aspects, the political aspect, the social aspect, the psychological aspect, administrative and legal aspects.
Production and economic aspects of personnel management are directly linked with the organization and labour incentives under new economic conditions. They solve the problem of production efficiency due to full satisfaction of economic interests in the team. Along with other aspects of personnel management, production and economic aspects are aimed at establishing a complete correspondence between the goals and tasks of production on the one hand, and the interests of workers – on the other.
The political aspect of personnel management means maximum democracy when people realize that they are creators. It is the personnel encouragement to work, the need for fundamental changes under conditions of economic transformations [3].
The social aspect of personnel management is aimed at production facilitation to improve the conditions that influence the operational processes (residential, cultural, health care, the improvement of educational and training level, etc).
The psychological aspect of personnel management reflects the effect on each person independently with regard to his or her psychological characteristics, interests and opportunities in order to encourage high productivity and quality of work.
Administrative and legal aspects of personnel management are directed to meet the challenges of coordinating the workers’ activities in the process of solving a particular productive problem, considering their professional and qualification level.
Having analyzed the previous mistakes, a lot of companies have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to take into account all the aspects of personnel management when making the general corporate strategy.
Thus, an efficient personnel policy is one of the most important tools of active influence on all the processes in the team as well as in the organization. The company’s success and its ability to compete with foreign and domestic businesses largely depend on correct implementation of personnel policy.
Selected bibliography:
1. Маслов Е.В. Управление персоналом предприятия: Учебн. пособ. / Под ред. П.В. Шеметова. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2009. – С. 356-400.
2. Щур О. Сучасний погляд на персонал / О.Щур // Практика управління. – 2009. – № 6. – С. 35-40.
3. Щокін Г.В. Теорія кадрової політики: Монографія. – Київ : МАУП, 1997. – 176 с.

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