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conf-cvДата: Неділя, 25.11.2012, 18:43 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 1656
Нагороди: 5
Репутація: 8
Статус: Offline

Maryna Hadenko,

3rd-year student, sp. “Customs Affairs”, d/d,
Scientific Advisor – Stupak M.H.,
Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of KNTEU,


The economic growth of any country will not have a prolonged economic effect without the innovation component, because the nation development in the modern world is defined primarily by its capability to produce new knowledge, technologies and information.
It is well-known, that the innovation potential of the state depends on many factors. The most important of them are: adequate concentration of financial and organizational resources of the state and business on science and education; existence of a corresponding network of educational, scientific-research and financial institutions as well as of the institutionalized interaction forms; presence of the mechanisms of innovation activity stimulation by the state; high innovation culture of the population in the whole and of the business community in particular.
From this point of view Ukraine possesses a considerable number of preconditions for reaching high indicators of innovation development. First of all this is the extensive network of high schools having long traditions of teaching natural and exact sciences as well as of the scientific-research institutions; high proportion of people with higher education and scientific degree; populations’ general susceptibility to innovations, exact sciences and techniques; presence of a big number of enterprises specializing in the release of high-technology production, which preserved unique highly qualified personnel etc.
At the same time the indicators of the innovation development of Ukraine are insufficient, what could be explained by the number of reasons. First of all, the system of interaction between science, education and production was almost destroyed, what creates a situation, when unique inventions and technologies do not find implementation in Ukraine and either are archived on the project stage, or flow abroad together with their authors or without them [2].
Not less important in this connection are insufficient volumes of academic and branch science financing, in spite of a recent gradual increase; outdated material base of scientific and research institutions as well as the imperfection of the mechanisms of commercialization of developments created for the state cost. Taking the above mentioned into consideration, Ukraine is interested in studying the experience of the EU states in the field of creation of an effective network of scientific and research institutions functioning for the state budget cost and building-up of mechanism of their interaction with the production sector. Moreover, Ukraine is interested in a more active entering into the European scientific and innovation space.
The lack of funds for scientific, research, development and innovation activities is also obvious in the private sector. The enterprises financing such activities operate primarily with their own insufficient costs. At the same time the possibilities to use the attracted costs are limited due to the high credit resources costs, underdevelopment of venture investment markets, low level of the state support etc.
A separate attention in this context should be paid to the personnel problem. Because of insufficient financing volumes in Ukraine the number of persons occupied with the scientific and research activity as with their main job decreases. The direct consequence of this became the emigration of many highly qualified specialists to other countries as well as the increase of the proportion of foreign costs in the innovation activity financing in Ukraine almost up to 30 % [1].
But in spite of all this, Ukraine has managed to mainly preserve its human potential in scientific-technological and innovation spheres, what enables us to make up for the possibilities of the active innovation development. In this context the driving force of the innovation breakthrough of the Ukrainian economy should be and will be the state.
Since 2005 a whole series of measures was undertaken to stimulate the innovation activity, to create the national innovation system and favorable conditions for the companies investing in new technologies. Several scientific and technological parks, business-incubators and the Center of New Technologies function in Ukraine now. Besides, the Concept of the National Innovation System Development has also been elaborated.
To sum up, it is obvious that a cooperation and experience exchange with the EU states would be very useful for Ukraine. Moreover, the attraction of different innovation projects and their realization would allow to reestablish the full and revolving innovation cycle, to create modern innovation infrastructure and to provide additional stimulus for innovation activity.
Selected bibliography:
1. http://innopolicy.com.ua
2. http://www.interfax.com.ua/eng/main/65613/
3. http://www.nbuv.gov.ua

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