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conf-cvДата: Середа, 04.05.2011, 20:18 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 1656
Нагороди: 5
Репутація: 8
Статус: Offline

Teren Oksana

Scientific adviser - Pan’kiv O.E.


The art of transformation of trade enterprises’ visitors into consumers is an actual matter today and attracts the producers, middlemen, wholesalers and retailers interest. They try to distinguish their commodities among competitors, make them more attractive for customers, and take to the minimum expenditures on the preparation of commodities for sale. The aim of our research was to analyze merchandising tools which allow increasing sales volume.
In economic literature, merchandising is considered to be the set of measures to stimulate and increase the sales volume in retail trade by attracting attention of the ultimate buyers to certain brands or product groups in market places without active participation of qualified personnel. Merchandiser makes commodity offer (suggestion) raised, at which every commodity must be distinguished and the common exposition (outlet) must not be quite the same. The world experience shows that the volume of product sales can increase by nearly 400-600% if products are laid out correctly [2, p.17].
The purpose of the commercial enterprise is to create conditions that will force buyers to make buying decisions in the market place. Merchandising tools became a significant way in persuasion to make a purchase. Thus, merchandising need a creative approach combined with the knowledge of personal buyer’s psychology.
Properties that characterize the buyer’s attention including concentration, volume, distribution, switching and stability are of particular interest. The focused attention points out to the buyer’s concentration on the product. The amount of attention reflects the number of the similar items, which immediately attract the interest. The stability of attention is defined by the keeping consideration concentration for a long time. The buyer’s alternating tension and relaxation, placing a different content of information or technical complexity of the product groups is used to its support. Attention is closely related to the perception, which is the factor of sympathetic buyer’s behavior in making decisions and a strong argument in purchasing.
The impulse to buy is formed in the market place directly under the influence of the following factors: product availability, location, accessibility of sufficient information, prices. Merchandising tools allow convey to consumers the maximum information, to inform them about new assortment position, and some particular qualities. Thus, there is no need in additional spending on education and motivation of personnel. Such merchandising tools as exterior and interior company design; the planning of customer’s traffic flow, advertising and other tools in the market place, color blocking, product mix, integrated marketing measures take an important place in marketing product concept. One must start designing enterprises just from the beginning in order to take high demand. Goods should be properly laid out, sorted by color, trade marks and equipped in a specific order [1, 321].
The commercial enterprise staff notes that, first of all, goods, which are located at consumer’s eye level, are sold much better. Such products may be more expensive than those on the upper or lower shelves (so-called “gold shelf”). Products will be bought better if one put them next to hit or supporting goods. Merchandisers also take care of the scenery: shelves, posters, racks; they are often red or blue and these colors provide impulse buying [3, p.8].
A special lighting plays an important role in merchandising. A sound effect is also widespread and it is not limited only by oral transmission. There are audio-systems which can put questions to buyers. Another merchandising tool is real demonstration of goods properties to the buyer in the market place.
While placing trade equipment it is necessary to take into account that most buyers bypass the trade hall around and only 35-40% of them notice the internal ranks. The “hottest” place is the beginning of the buyer’s stream and the area of cash pay desks. Those goods which have low demand and should be sold urgently must be placed at the beginning of the buyer’s stream [2, s.323]. However, one should not forget that the overstatement of merchandising tools use will result the effect of a “new-year tree”. Everything must be kept within limits.
Thus, merchandising of goods is as important as the development of commodity brands, the outdoor advertisement or promotion. Even if the commercial enterprise is known in the market for a long time and has a powerful advertising, it is necessary to use merchandising tools the proper attraction of which can save a large amount of money in the process of promotion.

List of literature:
1. Phesyuk V.A. Merchandising: production and commodity realization\ V.A.Phesyuk., O.A.Chyzhevs’ka., M.R.Kyrychenko: Naukovyi Visnyk Chernivtri Trade and Economics Institute KNTEU.- Chernivtsi; Knygy – XXI, 2007 – V.III. Ec. Nauky – p.321.
2. Hryshanova M.O. Merchandising is more effective than advertising\\ Kontrakty.- 2006.- №47.- p. 17-20.
3. Mozgova O.K. Merchandising is an art of customer attraction\\ Marketing. - 2006. - №6. - p. 7-11.

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