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Rovnova D., The modern terminology in marketing... - Форум

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Rovnova D., The modern terminology in marketing...
conf-cvДата: Середа, 04.05.2011, 17:32 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 1656
Нагороди: 5
Репутація: 8
Статус: Offline

Diana Rovnova

Scientific adviser – Pan’kiv O.E.

The modern terminology in marketing: origin features and functioning

Terminology of marketing is an important part of overall economic terminological system. Some subsystems of modern Ukrainian national terminology are still being studied, need further modifying and systematization; it goes about terminological sphere in new branches of economic science, new economic theories that have appeared in Ukraine in the period of market economic relations development.
Nowadays, marketing is completely formed as a scientific conception and sphere of applied economics. A lot of previously unknown definitions of marketing concepts are actively used in professional communication now. Marketing definitions are used not only in professional communications, but they have become high-frequency, socially important general linguistic units (such as brand, banner, slogan, sponsor, internet-marketing and others), because of many extra linguistic features. All these factors cause the research actuality and the ordering of the Ukrainian marketing definition system, the trends prediction of its further development and also the criteria modeling for its standardization.
The important thing of marketing definition is its weak structuring, as the marketing definition is based on the high order system and it is its only subsystem of marketing terminology.
The task of this article is the origin and functioning features research of modern marketing terminology.
All languages, as we can see, have their own tendencies in definitions formation. The ways of definitions formation in marketing were studied by T.I. Panko, Z. B. Kudelko, O. A. Pokrovska, A. S. Dyakov, T. R. Kyyak and other scientists.
Almost all scientists describe terminology as clearly defined subsystem in the general lexical system. The terms are described, first of all, in the system of systems: as an element of the terminology system, on one hand, and as an element of linguistic system, on the other hand. The term research of general linguistic system in the quality of the subsystem places the terminology under the regularities and general linguistic tendencies, but the term belonging to the certain terminological part causes some particular functioning [1, p.4].
The specific thing of marketing terminology is that even being a part of general economic terminology it is, at the same time, the micro system of economic terminology part, and also it is a part of general language and it has a status, like all other terminology systems, of marginal, peripheral subsystem. As a result, the term formation is usually built by the same derivative models, as the word formation in general language.
The appearance and marketing terminology formation is caused by particular socio-economic processes, which are still being taken place in Ukraine since the beginning of 90-ies.: by the development of market economic relations and conferring the status of state on the Ukrainian language. Marketing terminology is being created mainly by American scientists, on the basis of conceptually well-established marketing system. Thus, it is based on the conceptually shaped (designed) English marketing terminology. Today, the process of the Ukrainian marketing system formation has not been finished yet; it is still open, free and need future ordering. [2, с.22].
Marketing terminology appeared on the basis of adjoining disciplines – trade-economic, financial-banking, organizational-industrial, etc. It contains a lot of borrowed terms. In case of terminology separation, the semantic interconnection between terminologies attracts much attention. The criterion of this link is the presence of units, which are semantically and continuously connected with units of both terminologies. For example, they have semantic components in one terminology, and semantic derivatives in the other one.
Marketing terminology is based on the general economic terminology, but the last part of it has been considerably changed, as the whole system of internal connections and dependencies between terms is being rebuilt in the result of new conception appearance. The following basic general economic theory terms like product, purchasing, selling, supply, price and others are included into the main marketing terminology part.
The interaction between marketing and general economic terminology has the following forms: 1) including of general economic terms in marketing terminology system without semantic structure changing; 2) narrowing of the term semantics while entering the marketing terminology system; 3) expansion of the term semantics owing to the entering in marketing terminology system; 4) sharing of the general economic terms as the structure and immediate semantic components [3, с.123].
Thus, the structure features analysis of marketing terms shows the saving of the typical for many modern terminological systems tendency to predominance of the terminology verbose structures. The structural term hierarchy reflects its systematic approach to the content: the structure of compound terms is made basically in the direction of multilink grammatical terminological paradigms.
Conclusions. Marketing terminology represents the organized denominations aggregate in the structural and semantic plans, which reflects the conception system of marketing theory. It serves some part of the public practical activity and meets the criteria of the "system” concept of general theory system. The modern correlation condition of systematic content plan and marketing terminology expression plan witness the need of further marketing terminology standardization by the elimination of lexical alternative words, unreasonable borrowings, removing of ineffective word building models, and, of course, on the basis of wide involvement of national terminology formation means.

List of Literature:
1. Hutyryak O.I. English marketing terminology: structural and semantic characteristics: Theses. … cand. philol. sciences\ Kyiv national university of T.H.Shevchenko.-K., 1997, - 18c.
2. Polyuha L.M. Achievements and losses of Ukrainian terminology and terminography during 10 years of Independence. \\ Visnyk of National University “L’vivs’ka politechnika”.-L’viv, 2002.-№453: The Problems of Ukrainian terminology.-c.21-24.
3. Shapran D.P. The adaptation of foreign terms in modern Ukrainian marketing terminology\\ Ukrainian terminology and contemporaneity: 36 scientific articles. Edition 5.-Kyiv: KNTEU, 2003.-c.122-126.

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