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Mohnata Kateryna. Prospects of Development of Tourism... - Форум

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Mohnata Kateryna. Prospects of Development of Tourism...
conf-cvДата: Четвер, 21.05.2009, 17:35 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 1656
Нагороди: 5
Репутація: 8
Статус: Offline

Mohnata Kateryna

Scientific advisor – Moroz Yuliya

Prospects of Development of Tourism in Ukraine

Swift development of tourism, its converting into the publicly meaningful socio-economic phenomenon stipulates the special actuality of problem of reformation of tourist industry in Ukraine.
The strategic purpose of development of tourism in Ukraine lies in creation of competitiveness on a world market of tourist products, capable maximally satisfy the most whimsical tastes of foreign tourists and population of country.
Development of tourism, as one of factors of filling of the state budget of country, stipulates the necessity of active complex actions for forming of public tourist policy. Tourism, as one of priority industries of economy of Ukraine must be regulated and controlled by the state for the sake of realization of considerable own potential, alteration of infrastructure by bringing in, including, internal and external investors.
The important modern tendency of development of world tourist market is its regionalization with the proper decentralization of management [3,p.236].
In creation of tourist market of separate region it is necessary to take into account his geographical, natural, resort, infrastructural and other features, including aesthetically beautiful attractiveness of locality, traditions of local population, transport providing. In this connection activation of regional tourism policy looks expedient in areas and regions, where there are transeuropean transit routes, national parkas (Volin', Podillya, Carpathians region, Central and North-Eastern Ukraine), intersect basic tourist centers (Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa, Autonomous Republic of the Crimea).
Forming of priority directions of tourist policy requires the detailed study of modern tourist market of country, its potential possibilities, methods and directions of its perfection. Experience of the foreign states shows that successful development of this market is carried out at intensive state support.
Development of tourist market in Ukraine, forming of tourism policy and its realization is carried out by state tourist administration which coordinates and provides the concentration of investment streams in the sphere of tourism and others like that. However, in the developed countries there is a tendency to reduction of the direct influencing of the state on tourism and growth of its role in the increase of competitiveness of national tourist complex.
Measures, developed in a number of normative documents, must become priority directions in the decision of the putting tasks, in particular, in the Government program of development of tourism in Ukraine 2002-2010:
-improvement of legal principles of adjusting of tourist relations;
-becoming of tourist business as highly remunerative industry of economy as possible;
-encouragement of national and foreign investments in development of tourism industry and creation of new workplaces;
-assistance development of internal, rural and ecological (green), hunting and excursion, sporting and religious tourism;
-expansion of international cooperation in the field of tourism activity and claim of Ukraine on a world tourist market;
-renewal and guard of tourist resources;
-perfection of the existent system of preparation and increase of qualification of tourist shots;
-perfection of the system of statistical account in tourism[1].
Ukraine has chosen the European way of development that is why it follows to inculcate the proper case tourism frame. Development of tourist activity in a country provides a particular branch subsection of the proper ministry, which carries out the activity in two directions: decides or regulates the general questions of government control (development of normatively legal base, international cooperation and others like that) and sends and coordinates marketing activity (participating in exhibitions and international associations in a tourism sphere, management of the country tourist representative offices abroad and others like that)[2,p.95].
Complex realization of afore-mentioned measures requires both state support and bringing in of private and foreign capital in modernization of infrastructure of tourism of Ukraine taking into account front-rank world experience, processes of globalization, intellectualization and informatization of tourism market of Ukraine.
Selected bibliography:
1.Державна програма розвитку туризму в Україні на 2002-2010рр. від 23 квітня 2002р.
2.Закон України про внесення змін до Закону України ,,Про туризм’’ від 18 листопада 2003р.№1282-IV//Офіційний вісник України.-2003.-№50.-с.2600.
3.Кифяк В.Ф.Організація туризму: Навчальний посібник. - Чернівці: Книги-ХХI, 2008.-344с.
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