3-d year student of “Marketing” Scientific adviser - Pankiv O.E. CHTEI KNTEU Chernivtsi
The concept of “marketing activity effectiveness” and methodological approaches to the evaluation of the marketing activities effectiveness at the industrial enterprise is considered in the article. Keywords: marketing activities, the effectiveness of marketing activity, marketing activity, evaluation of the marketing activity effectiveness. Statement of the problem. Nowadays, more and more companies recognize the necessity of the targeting strategies in the market, thus the effective implementation of marketing activities has become an important factor for the success in the market. The theorists and practitioners have a great interest to this problem. The assessment of marketing activities effectiveness has become really urgent. Analysis of recent research and publications. The well-known foreign and domestic scholars such as: G. Assel [ 1], L. Balabanov [2 ], N. Butenko [3 ], O.L. Kanishchenko [ 4], K.L. Keller [5 ], M. Konishi [ 6], J. Lenskold [ 7], N.K. Moyseyeva [ 6], V.A. Parhymenko [8 ], O.S. Teletov [ 9], V. Shapovalov [10 ] have made a significant contribution to the marketing management research for companies, in general and to the marketing evaluation effectiveness, in particular. At the same time, the scientific and methodological principles and parameters assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities at industrial enterprises remain under-developed. The aim of the article is to to systematize the theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of the marketing activities effectiveness at industrial enterprises. The main results of the analysis. There are two aims to determine the problem of the economic efficiency: to study the marketing activities effectiveness in the development and decision-making, including the choice of the optimal variant; to determine the ultimate effectiveness of marketing activities after a certain period of time based on the actually achieved results. The consideration of the marketing activities determination methods should be preceded by the revelation of the marketing effectiveness" concept. Marketing effectiveness is an optimality index of undertaken marketing activities to reduce costs and achieve the expected results in the short term and long term perspectives [11]. The activity effectiveness of any organization is largely determined by the marketing operation system. The employees of the marketing department do not create products directly, but make a certain business and organization activity in the production of goods, preserve its quality, and provide the commodity infrastructure that is the part of the production process. The effectiveness of marketing activities in its broad sense means the correlation between the result (effect) of marketing activities and expenses associated with them. Approaches concerning the marketing evaluation effectiveness are presented in Table. 1. Table 1 Approaches of the marketing activities effectiveness estimation by foreign and domestic scientists. Author Interpretation L.V. Balabanova, M.Tugan-Baranovsky [2, p. 27] Offer to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing by the following directions: purchasing, marketing integration, the adequacy of information, strategic orientation, operational efficiency N.K. Moiseeva, M.V. Konysheva [6, p. 193-194] Consider the indicators of marketing activity by the functions (market research, assortment policy, sales management, communication activities) and generalized indicators (profitability, activity of the strategy) G. Assel [1, p. 719] The effectiveness of marketing activity equates with the efficiency of marketing charges V.A. Shapovalov [10] The effectiveness of marketing is connected with the quality of decisions making, and with the implementation of these decisions F. Kotler, K.L. Keller [5, p. 145-148] Focus the attention on the connection of the marketing effectiveness indicators with the factors of external and internal environment N.V. Butenko [3] Offer to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing by the quality of the functions performed by marketers George Lenskold [7] Considers that when it goes about the measurements in marketing , the indicator of profitability investments only is able to present a complete picture of profits and investments According to the analysis, marketers haven’t the approach to the evaluation of the marketing activities effectiveness. We believe that a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the marketing effectiveness by the above mentioned directions is difficult for practical implementation. The approach offered by the scientists F. Kotler and K. Keller involves the allocation of marketing activity indicators concerning the external and internal environment [5]. However, this approach is a theoretical but deserves attention. Parhymenko V.A. [8] offers an integrated approach to the evaluation of the marketing effectiveness. He identifies the following directions of the evaluation: results of the marketing activities implementation; marketing research; market segmentation and positioning of goods; sales management; planning and marketing organization; quality management and organization of the marketing department; function of the marketing department. To characterize approaches to the effectiveness estimation of individual components of marketing activities, it is better to implement in terms of various marketing functions and the marketing mix components at the company: 1. The effectiveness of the preplanned analysis: market research, segmentation, positioning and selection of target markets. Qualitative assessment of the marketing effectiveness of these functions can be carried out in the process of the audit marketing. 2. The effectiveness of planning: the evaluation of the development effectiveness of all types of marketing plans (strategic, current, in individual markets, products) can be efficiently carried out in the process of performing the audit marketing. 3. The effectiveness of the marketing organization: marketing management; effectiveness of the organizational structure; effectiveness of the tasks distribution and responsibilities in the marketing service; effectiveness of marketing interaction with other departments of the organization; efficiency of the decision-making on marketing issues. 4. The effectiveness of the managers, employees and the sales staff work motivation. The easiest way to evaluate the effectiveness of the personnel directly involved in the sale is when data of their activities and expenditures outcome exist. 5. The effectiveness of the control over the implementation of some of these marketing functions. This assessment can be carried out by an expert in the process of marketing audit. Conclusions. Analysis of the published research results concerning the problems of the marketing activities effectiveness determination of enterprises showed that marketers have differences of opinions as to this issue. The evaluation of the marketing effectiveness should be more specific, analysis should be done precisely, because they serve as an information basis for the managers’ decision making. Thus, each of the above-mentioned approaches has its advantages and disadvantages, and is more suitable for different purposes of evaluation: to provide quantitative estimations of the marketing activities effects and to integrate the assessment of marketing activities.
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