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conf-cvДата: Понеділок, 27.05.2013, 19:24 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 1656
Нагороди: 5
Репутація: 8
Статус: Offline

Kratyuk Diana,

3-d year student
“International economics”
Scientific advisor - Pan’kiv O.E.


A career topic has become very popular in the sphere of scientist’s and practice’s research over last few years. It is known that the reason of this is the transformation of society spheres, a market economy formation and that is why changes in the professional relationship of labor market participants occur. The professional career takes priority position in the desire of one’s own abilities self-realization.
The relevance of this theme is the importance of a professional career as an indicator of human development in the system of social relations, the significant factor, and conditions of socio-psychological climate improvement, labor productivity increase in the organization of its competitiveness.
Such scientists as Krushelnyts’ka O.V. Malinkina A.S., Ivanov V.Y., Troshina K., Polyakov V.A., and others have analyzed the concept of a professional career in their research.
The aim of this article is to study a professional career concept and its types, to develop recommendations about the effectiveness of a career and the potential employee’s realization.
The professional career implies the professional development, job progress, and transition from one level of professionalism to another. [3] The career, in its broad sense, means a successful career in job progress, research, or production activity, in the achievement of fame, higher status, authority, wealth etc. It is a self-expression, changes of skills, knowledge, abilities, and going ahead through the chosen professional way both within the organization and outside it. [5]
The professional career is the formation of an employee as a professional, qualified expert in his/her field. It is an ongoing process and occurs in the life of even every person. It may be within the specialization that relates to the deepening in one sphere chosen in one’s early professional stage, or transprofessionalism, when an employee masters other activity spheres. [4]
Career is the subjectively meaningful employee’s vision of the future employment, expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with the results of his/her work, personal understanding of the position and professional behavior. It is characterized by a number of indicators: dynamic (how fast an employee moves up to the career levels), the highest professional position (the highest position that exists in a specific enterprise for the appropriate profession of an employee), career length (a particular period of time from the first professional position to the highest point, which corresponds to a certain profession or employee’s speciality), a number of official positions from the first position occupied by the employee in the company to the highest point. [1]
There are two main types of professional careers: non-specialized and specialized. Specialized career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee, in the course of his\her professional activity, passes various stages. A particular employee can pass these stages gradually in a specialized career both in one and in various organizations, but within the profession and field of activity, which he/she specializes in. Non-specialized career is widely developed in Japan. The Japanese are absolutely sure that the chief or the manager should be a specialist in his sphere, who is able to work in any department of the company rather than in any specific field. Climbing the career stages, a person must know everything about the company and work at one professional position for no more than three years. As a result of such professional policy, the manager has a considerably small amount of specialized knowledge (which, in any case, will lose its value in 5 years), but also has a holistic notion of the organization based on his/her own experience. Employees may pass stages of non-specialized career both in one and in various organizations.
Professional career may also be dynamic and must be associated with a change of jobs, and static, which is carried out at one place and at one position by the professional growth. [2]
Personnel management service has to select the type of personnel policy that will allow employees to grow professionally that is to make a career. Career planning helps employees to see what position they can get if they acquire adequate positive experience in the specific initial conditions.
Professional career stimulates the growth of labor activity, accelerates personnel movement process that allows an employee to take higher place in the society, and to be more satisfied with their own labor. The real career perspective of the position progress is carried out on the basis of the employee’s estimation of the existed condition for the progress (growth) and self-rating of his\her capabilities. Furthermore, the changes in the personnel policy orientation of the organization as to the new human role and place in the sphere of labor activity will increase its personnel potential and change the imagination of employees about their professional activities.

1. Balabanova L.V.,Sardak O.V. Personnel management: Tutorial – K: ed. “Profesional”, 2006 – 512 p.
2. Vesnyn V.R. Practical personnel management: Manual for personnel work. - M.: Yuryst’, 1998. – 496 p.
3. Malhazov O.R. Psychology of labor: Tutorial – TSUL, 2010.
4. Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management: Tutorial/ed. P.V.Shemetova P.V. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.
5. Savchenko V.A. Staff development management – K.: KNEU, 2002

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